The Alameda County Water District is hosting two unique landscape webinars in partnership with the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) this month, titled "Drought Hack." Here are descriptions of each along with links to register.
Drought Hack: Plant and Design Ideas for the Fall
Fall is a great time to plant low water use plants. Learn how you can replace your lawn with a beautifully designed water-efficient landscape that can thrive and remain beautiful during drought. Rebates for lawn conversion available!
Lecturer: Juanita Salisbury
Saturday, October 8th from 10am-12pm via Zoom Register HERE
Drought Hack: Maximize Local Rainfall Through Capture
As severe drought continues, maximize any rainfall that we receive this fall and winter by capturing it and using it efficiently! Learn about setting up rain barrels and other rain capture systems to reuse rainwater to irrigate landscapes. Information on Alameda County Water District’s rain barrel rebate program will be shared.
Lecturer: Chris Corvetti
Wednesday, October 26th from 6:30 -8pm via Zoom Register HERE